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YOUR ATM CARD - Gogol Wakatt

>> Sunday, March 27, 2011


This present message is pointing to the fact that you stand possibility to the release and opportunity to receive your fund through a Visa/Atm Card payment module. This is a Credit Amendment Gazzette to settle and pay off beneficiaries, inheritors and contractors all their over due funds. This payment transacion is secure under Transfer Access Code (TAC) and subject to Immunity Seal of Transfer(IST), so there is no possibility to the issue of loss of your money via card theft or fraudulent scheme.

In pursuit of this payment, it is important you reconfirm these information of yours so that we can make necessary data updating for your immediate payments as the official handling ethics permits;
A. Your Full Name:
B. Your Resident or Office Address:
(Where the ATM Card has to delivered to you)
C. Your Direct Telephone Number
D. Your Occupation
E. Your Age

As a matter of high importance it is required you send this information immediately so as to enable us proceed, process and activate your Two Million, Nine Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars only ($2,900,000) into your ATM cash withdrawal card and at the same interval dispatch it directly to your receiving address for your onward cash withdrawal purposes.

Note Well: If we do not get a response from you within 48hours, we shall cancel your payment release process.

Yours Faithfully,
Gogol Wakatt
ATM Processing Agency, Consolidatory Commission
01BP 611, Central Ville Ouaga 01.
Ouagadougou City - Burkina Faso


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