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>> Thursday, March 10, 2011

From Mr.Larry Bent

Good day my dear friend,

I assumed you are in good health with your family.

I am Mr.Larry Bent, the Director in charge of Auditing section Group of (BOA) Bank here in Burkina Faso. Although the world is very small place and hard place to meet people because you don't know who to trust or believe, but as I have developed the trust in you after my fasting and praying, i made up my mind to confide this confidential business suggestion to you.

There is an over due unclaimed sum of Thirteen Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($13,200,000.00) in my bank, belonging to one of our dead foreign customers. There were no beneficiaries stated concerning these funds.

Therefore, your request as a foreigner is necessary to apply for the claim and release of the fund smoothly into your reliable bank account as the Foreign Business Partner to the deceased. On the transfer of this fund in your account, you will take 32% {US$4,224,000.00} as your share from the total fund, 5% {US$660,000.00}, will be shared to Charitable Organizations, Motherless Babies homes,disabled helpless people in both our country as the balance will be for me.

Please if you are really sure of your trustworthy, integrity, accountability and confidentiality on this deal, contact me with your profiles if you are satisfy to assist,with hope you have this quality i needed, go ahead and send me your detailed information as stated below for us to move forward.

1. Your full name:
2. Your residence address:
3. Your company name:
4. Your occupation/position:
5. Your official age:
6. Your Marital position:
7. Your passport or identity card:
8. Your phone number:

Please reply with your complete information so that i will send you the Official Letter of Claim as an application immediately to fill and send to our bank for the commencement of the transaction. Meanwhile, there will be legal back up which will indicate the reason of transfer of the fund without any question from your government or bank.

Finally, do know that as you apply to our bank, the process of this transaction will not last more than 8 days hence you will follow my guidelines and instructions.

I am looking forward to read from you soonest.

Yours faithfully,
Mr.Larry Bent


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