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BUSINESS PROPOSAL - Solomon Chakazulu

>> Sunday, March 27, 2011

3/5 Commercial Rd,
Durban 4001,South Africa.

Dear Friend,

I got your contact today,with hope you are reliable and trustworthy.

Am the head of the contract award committee and 14 project allocation manager, of the Department of Minerals and Natural Resources in Durban-Southafrica.
I need your assistance to bank (USD10.5M) and subsequent investment it on properties in your country urgently. You will be required to.

(1) Assist in the banking safely of the said funds
(2) Advise on lucrative areas for investment
(3) Assist in purchase of properties.

If you can render your assistance in this regard, 20% of the total investment sum will be for you as your commission. It will be done under a legitimate process so that we will not breach any
international or local laws governing the same. Making it a 100% risk free. For the confidenciality of this business. Kindly reply back to me using:
I wait in anticipation of your reply and co-operation.

Best Regards,

Solomon Chakazulu
Private Box:


Unknown April 1, 2011 at 6:20 PM  

I have received the exact same email on the 31 March 2011.

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This blog contains a collection of spam mail that I have received.


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