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Reply With Interest - Mark

>> Sunday, August 8, 2010

I am Mr.Robinson Philip Mark, I realize that you are a big investor in your country. I am a senior official of EXXON MOBIL,LONDON UK and I have a very important deal running into about US$25.2M ( Twenty Five million Two Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) which I want to discuss with you. EXXON MOBIL is an AMERICAN Oil Firm.

I do not like discussing business over the internet as a result of scams and lots of insecurities; so if you could send me your phone number or fax number, I will call or send you a mail to explain the project from which you will benefit immensely. If you are interested furnish me with your information for more details.

This is a very confidential project and till I hear from you, I urge you not to discuss my contact with anyone. Reply with your information To my private email address:

Mr. Robinson Philip Mark


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