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Assalam alykum From Mrs.Ramada - Mrs.Ramada Alnaqar

>> Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hell Dear

I hope this e-mail meets you in good health;
My Name is Mrs.Ramada Suha Alnaqar an Iraqi, I am the wife of Late Prof. Dr. Dawood Alnaqar, He is the President Scientific Assistant of Basrah University and in charge of building all Universities and campus in Iraq, I have been sick for 3 and half years now , I am now receiving treatment here in the Hospital in Iraq, My cancer has effected my heart ,I am not worried about my illness but worried about our US$5million that is deposited in Thailand where my son is currently now seeking asylum. I will like you to assist my son to invest this fund in your country to the glory of Allah. and I will give you full details regarding the transaction as soon as you get back to me. have a nice day and may Allah bless you.

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs.Ramada Suha Alnaqar


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