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From: Madam Tina Tagro - Tina Tagro

>> Monday, May 7, 2012

From: Madam Tina Tagro
My Dear,
It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I and my Son David intend to establish in your country. Though I have not met with you before but I believe one has to risk confiding before you can succeed sometimes in life. Let me start by introducing myself to you, My Name is Mrs Tina Tagro the wife of late Mr. Desire Tagro, My Husband was one of the former President Laurent Gbagbo cabinet, but unfortunately he was killed during the crisis in our country last year.
I believed I can confide in you for the brighter future of my Son since you are a human being like me. There is this huge amount of Ten Million five hundred thousand United States dollars. ($10.500.000.00) which my late Husband putted in a trunk box and deposited it with one private security company in Europe before the crisis, I and my Son are the only people that knows about this money, even the security company where my late Husband deposited the money did not know the content of the box because he deposited the box as family valuable not as money, Now I and my Son have decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough for security and political reasons.  
We want you to help us claim and retrieve this fund from the Security Company and transfer the money into your personal account in your country for investment purposes in these areas:
1). Telecommunication
2). The transport Industry
3). Five Star Hotel
4). Tourism
5). Real Estate
If you can be of assistance to us we will be pleased to offer you 20% of the total fund. We have all the documents that the security company issued my late Husband on the day he deposited the box, we will soon forward these documents to you which will help you to claim the box on our behalf. I await your soonest response.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs Tina Tagro and Son David Tagro


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