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>> Monday, May 7, 2012

Dear Friend.

I am sure you will be apprehensive/Skeptical about my Email due to the Level of Scams
going on  in the Internet in recent times,My Name is Dr Raymond CH'IEN Kuo Fung I am
the executive Chairman Of Hang Seng Bank Of Hong-Kong There is the sum of
$550,000.000.00 in my bank, there were no Beneficiaries stated concerning these funds
which means no one would ever come forward to claim it and That is why I am asking that
you be my partner and we work together as partners so as to have the sum transferred
out of my bank into Your Account.

For Your Clarification, You can Find my Profile in the Official Website of Hang Seng

Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Once
the funds have been transferred from my Bank to your Nominated Bank Account,We shall
then share in the ratio of 60% for me, 40% for you. My Personal mail Address Is :

Please if you are interested to be my partner in this project i need you to reply me
back. I cannot contact you with my official email-address because it is been monitored
by my Bank's Security System.

Also you are to Fill the information below.

1, Your Full names:.............................,
2, Your age:..........................
3, Your private phone number:...............,
4, Your current country and residential address:........,
5, Your Occupation,.................................
6, Your Level Of Investment,...........................
7, Can You Handle This Project,...............................

Please send me your Personal Information above and reply me back urgently via my
personal email address which is:

Your earliest response to this letter will be


Kind Regards
Raymond CH'IEN Kuo Fung

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.



Get in touch with Mr. Johnson Williams, oversea Credit Commission
email: for your payment send your full
name,address,telephone number,and your account number to him to
process your payment

Mrs. Rosemary Russell.
Vice President


No.41 Yipkabongo north of Tamale districts.

Dearest One

I am  reaching you by faith and believing that you will accept this offer in good faith. my name is Miss DARLENE WILLIAMSON  , the daughter  of late DR CLIFFORD WILLIAMSON .  I am in the position of US$10. Million which I want to invest in a lucrative business venture in your country. This money is of no criminal origin as it was released from the alluvial gold dust sold during the Regional war when my father was the Chairman of Yipkabongo north of Tamale districts. I now want to move this money abroad and invest it in a profitable ventures as time is now ripe for such move.


1.To assist me invest this money in a profitable business venture in your country or any other suitable country where you have good connections.
2.To manage this fund in a profitable manner preferable a joint venture.I will give you 20% for your kind assistance to me. I will give you further details as soon as I hear from you.

waiting for your response.

Apple B’day Promotion - Firefly Airline Malaysia

--Firefly Airline Malaysia
Operations Centre
Mezzanine Floor
Penang Airport
11900 Bayan Lepas
The April 2012 Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Promotion Program has been performed at our Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters here in Penang, Malaysia. The April 2012 Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Promotion Program is registered and organized in accordance with the Asian Gaming Board (A.G.B.) and the World Lottery Regulation Act (W.L.R.A.).

We are pleased to officially notify you that Firefly Airline Malaysia has approve your email address as a lucky winner of our Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Promotion Program to receive the payout sum of $110,000,00 (One Hundred And Ten Thousand United State Dollars) with email Ticket Number: FFB-01ABD-04-12-668 and Reference Number: MY/221/10012 in Batch B /91102 randomly drew which consequently selected your email address as this year April 2012 lucky winner.

You are therefore advice to contact Firefly Airline Dispatch Officer in Charge of your winning cheque to you with the following information stated below:

Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Dispatch Officer Contact Information:

Contact Name: Romeo Azura
Email Address:

1.Full Name:.......
2.Residential Address:.....

Yours Sincerely,

Harris Yong
Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Organization Committee
And on behalf of Firefly’s Airline Malaysia, Asia Pacific Regional.

Prefeitura Municipal de Itaocara.



I am Mrs Zahraa Alla from COTE D'VOIRE am 58 years old,i am suffering from a long time cancer of the breast,from all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that i can't work or do any stressful thing,according to my doctors they have advised me that i may not live for the next two months,this is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage.

I was brought up from a motherless babies home was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child ,My Husband ( Mallam Alla) MY LATE HUSBAND KILLED DURING THE U.S. RAID AGAINST TERRORISM IN AFGHANISTAN.

Since his death I decided not to re-marry,I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of USD5.5million dollars with a Bank here in COTE D'VOIRE but later I instructed the bank to move the funds to LONDON (UK) where i intended investing the money in Real Estate.Presently, this money is still with the bank in LONDON and the bank just wrote me as the true owner to come forward to receive the money which i have explained to them my situation then they advised i rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf since I can not come over because of my illness or they get it confisticated or return back to the LONDON treasury Department as unclaimed fund and instead of getting it confiscated i rather have someone whom i can trust to recieve the funds and utilise it according to my wishes. Qurain's tell us that we have to help each other.

Presently, I'm in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for my sickness . I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a two months to live. It is my last wish to see that this money is invested/donated to any individual of my choice and distributed each year among the charity organization,E.g the poor homes,the motherless babies home where i came from,the deaf homes, etc .All i seek for is a God fearing person who will carry out my last wishes and before i emailed you today i prayed and the holy spirit gave me the confidence to send you this email.I took this decision, before i rest in peace because my time will soon be up.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank in LONDON.All i need from you is a confidential assurance that the funds when recieved by you will be used for the said purpose,Nowadays there are so much scams going on in the internet and it is diffcult to trust but i dont know why the Holy spirit still approved me to email you.
Waiting for your reply.

Allah Bless you,
Mrs Zahraa Alla

Your cash bonus - ATMCard Maestro Mastercard

ATM Maestro MasterCard/Asia
Asia/Pacific Regional Headquarters.

Attention: ATM MasterCard Beneficiary

Your cash bonus of USD $200,000.00 have been RELEASED and APPROVED for onward
delivery to you via our ATM Maestro MasterCard which you will use to withdraw
cash at any ATMs SERVICE MACHINES where you see the MasterCard
OR(MaestroR/CirrusR) sign/logo located in more than 22 million locations
across 210 countriesworldwide.The draw no. 1518 brought out your E-mail
address from a Data Base of Internet Email Users and qualified you with the
stated winning amount.

You are hereby notified that yours falls to our Asian Zone for safety purpose, 
for claims, kindly contact our claim agent officer via below email and fill in
the  under-listed information's required;

1. Full Names-
2. Delivery Address ( PRESENT HOME ADDRESS NOT P.O. Box )-
3. Nationality / Present Location-
4. Occupation /-
5. Phone Number(s)-
6. Sex-
7. Alternative Email Address-

Contact Person: Mr.Max Aziz.

Thanks for your cooperation and congratulations once again.

Yours in Service,
Director Maestro Mastercard.
Asia/Pacific Regional Headquarters.


TEL: +27-735-231390

                                              CHANGE OF BANK DETAILS


We have been informed to re-direct your "OVERDUE INHERITANCE PAYMENT" to this account below:

Bank Name: Standard Bank, South Africa
Name: Fredrick .H. Goosel
A/C#: 280075400
Branch Code: 60955
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

This instruction was after a detailed email from your representative, Fredrick .H. Goosel who has presented the above bank details today informing THIS OFFICE: DEBT RECONCILIATION COMMITTEE IN CONJUNCTION WITH OVERSEA CREDIT COMMISSION that you have instructed further transfer of your "OVERDUE INHERITANCE PAYMENT" to the above account.

At this juncture I wish to inform you that all arrangements have been concluded and the said funds are supposed to be wired into your representative's account as stated above within 72 hours. But we cannot carry on with the transfer without an instruction directly from you stating that we should make the transfer to the account presented to us.
Note that upon your responds, you should be directed to Mr. Mohammed Hassan who handles all funds transfer from and to Arab Nations and can direct you on what to do next, and shall direct you also if you misunderstood any thing in English in Arabic.

Please advise immediately so that an immediate action will take place.

Yours Sincerely,

TEL: +27-735-231390

[No Subject] - AirAsia Exclusive

The 2012 AirAsia Exclusive Special Bonus program selection has been
performed at our Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters here in Sabah,
Malaysia. The 2012 AirAsia Exclusive Specail Bonus program is registered
and organized in accordance with the Asian Gaming Board (A.G.B.) and the
World Lottery Regulation Act (W.L.R.A.).As regards the above, we have
officially approved a sum payout of $130,000,00 (One Hundred and Thirty
Thousand United State Dollars) only to you as our  Exclusive Special Bonus
winner, Please send you information via this Email:

Processing Your Petronas Mesra Visa Credit Card -

Mr Bridge Christian
Hotline: +447024013366
Office Phone:+44-7031892531
Fax: +44-7031892222 .

We acknowledged your email and pleased to inform you that we do appreciate your immediate response in getting back at us with your email, confirming you as the rightful owner. We have encounter series of cases like yours,whereby someone else claimed a package belonging to another which amount to huge problem in our office, this is more reason we mounted a standard security measure before we can despatch any Winning Package to Beneficiary by providing few documents and informations below.

1. Full Name :
2. Home/Mobile Phone # :
3. Bank Name/ Bank Phone # :
4. Bank Account # :
3. Home/Delivery Address :
4. IC Number/Date of Birth :
5. Scan Copy of Your IC or Passport ( front and back colored) :

Meanwhile in order to start the re-processing of your Winning Package we will want you to get back to us with the following information above because Mr Effendy already provided us with all details and also officiate the delivery payment  to enable the Visa Credit Card delivery to his home address is Kuala Lumpur via DHL Courier Service before the Management decided to send you a final notification for email confirmation.

Once the above information is provided we will re-process your Winning Visa Credit Card within 48hours, within this hours, we will contact your bank to verify your information and also for your bank to give Authorization so you will be able to withdraw your cash from ATM Machine in your Country.

You will receive a sms notification on your phone with delivery details and PIN Code which must be kept private and secure for your personal use, PIN can be changed on ATM Machine after activation.

Notice: Address all details to my private email below for quick processing

Best Regard
Mr Bridge Christian

Salam Daripada Noraini Binti Ahmad - Noraini Binti Ahmad


Saya Noraini Binti Ahmad, saya bekerja sebagai Pegawai Pemasaran dengan Syarikat Gemstones Pemprosesan Batu permata di England. Saya ingin memperkenalkan anda kepada peluang perniagaan ini. Saya memerlukan bantuan dari anda yang akan memberi manfaat kepada kita berdua. Saya menghubungi anda kerana saya tidak mahu kehilangan kontrak ini yang disediakan oleh syarikat di tempat saya bekerja kerana kita berdua akan mendapat keuntungan yang baik daripada perniagaan ini pada masa sekarang dan pada masa depan yang akan datang. Itulah sebabnya saya meminta anda untuk menjadi pembekal kepada syarikat kami supaya kita boleh mengambil kesempatan pada peluang-peluang yang ada di syarikat ini.

Pada masa ini, syarikat kami perlu tiga tahun pembekal tetap produk yang dikenali sebagai (LARIMAR STONE) iaitu digunakan untuk membuat rantai, gelang tangan, perhiasan pada jam tangan dan sebagainya.

Pembekal asal produk ini adalah dari (Malaysia) dan bekas pembekal produk ini kepada syarikat kami telah tamat kontrak dan syarikat kami sedang mencari mana-mana orang lain yang boleh mendapatkan bekalan (Larimar Stone) dalam kuantiti yang banyak supaya dapat memenuhi permintaan pengguna kami dan bergabung dalam perkongsian dengan syarikat ini pada masa sekarang. Sebab utama mengapa saya menulis kepada anda untuk mencari minat anda dan mendapatkan bantuan, saya hanya mahu anda untuk bertindak sebagai ejen perantara (penjual produk di Malaysia dan pembeli) kepada (syarikat kami). Ini adalah perniagaan besar, yang akan memberi dividen yang baik kepada kita berdua. Saya hanya perlu kerjasama anda untuk membuat perniagaan ini berjaya.

Saya akan memberikan anda maklumat lebih lanjut lagi mengenai perkara ini jika anda bersedia untuk berdiri sebagai agen untuk membekalkan produk kepada syarikat kami. Pertama, saya akan mendapatkan satu perjanjian kontrak untuk anda sebagai pembekal kepada syarikat di mana saya bekerja. Berdasarkan peratusan, asalnya harga pembelian sebenar bahan batu ini oleh syarikat per kg adalah kira-kira ($5,500.00USD) manakala di Malaysia harga jualan tempatan ($2,700.00USD) dan syarikat kami tidak perlu kurang daripada 300Kg. Sebab mengapa saya mahu anda untuk menjadi ejen kami adalah untuk menjadi pautan yang menghubungkan penjual tempatan di Malaysia secara langsung kepada syarikat membeli maka margin keuntungan akan dikongsi oleh kita berdua sebanyak 50% kepada anda manakala 50% kepada saya. Bantuan utama anda bagi saya hanya untuk anda bercakap dengan pengarah syarikat kami bahawa anda boleh membekalkan syarikat produk dan juga secara terperinci dari segi harga dan cara pembayaran maka kita boleh mengambil dari sudut itu.

Sila maklumkan kepada saya dengan segera selepas anda menerima e-mel saya jika anda berminat dan bersedia untuk melakukan perniagaan dengan saya supaya saya boleh memberi anda contact penjual tempatan di Malaysia supaya anda boleh menghubungi mereka untuk meminta jika mereka mempunyai produk ini dalam stok untuk membekalkan kepada anda, Sebelum syarikat kami menghantar pengurus pembelian turun ke Malaysia untuk membeli produk daripada anda secara langsung. Ingat (jujur) adalah kunci kepada setiap kejayaan dalam perniagaan. Terima kasih di atas kerjasama anda. Saya menunggu jawapan dari anda.


Noraini Binti Ahmad.

Special Bonus - Airasia Exclusive Program

Airasia Exclusive Program
Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters
Kota Kinabalu International Airport
Old Airport Road Tanjung Aru 88100
Kota Kinabalu Sabah

The 2012 AirAsia Exclusive Special Bonus program selection has been performed at our Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters here in Sabah, Malaysia. The 2012 AirAsia Exclusive Specail Bonus program is registered and organized in accordance with the Asian Gaming Board (A.G.B.) and the World Lottery Regulation Act (W.L.R.A.).

We are therefore pleased to officially notify you of the status of your Winnings. An official notification of AirAsia Exclusive Special Bonus is hereby issued to you as your email ticket number; AirAsia-09-0-96-10, with serial number; AirAsia /01/2012, and ref no; AirAsia /019/2010007 in batch A /6183 randomly drew for the lucky numbers 000-31-0584 which selected your email address as a winner of our Exclusive Special Bonus program selection. You have therefore consequently won the 2012 AirAsia Exclusive Special Bonus in its first batch.

As regards the above, we have officially approved a sum payout of $130,000,00 (One Hundred and Thirty Thousand United State Dollars) only to you as our  Exclusive Special Bonus winner, The 2012 AirAsia Exclusive Special Bonus program's Organising Commitee (L.O.C.) will immediately commence the immediate dispatch of your cheque of $130,000,00 (One Hundred and Thirty Thousand United State Dollars)  as soon as you have contacted them. You are therefore adviced to contact the 2012 AirAsia Exclusive Special Bonus program's Organising Commitee (L.O.C.) immediately as stated below;
Contact Person: JK Allen
Dispatch Officer in Charge
2012 AirAsia lottery program's Organising Commitee (L.O.C.)
Email: and

1.Full Name:.......
2.Residential Address:.....

Your's Sincerly,
Jimmy Chan
(c)2012 AirAsia lottery program's Organising Commitee (L.O.C.)
For and on behalf of AirAsia, Asia Pacific Regional.

Dear user e-mail - Email HelpDesk Center

Dear user e-mail,

This is to inform you that you have exceeded your quota limit of 325MB e-mail and you need to increase your quota limit of email because in less than 48
hours your e-mail will be disabled. Increase the share of e-mail limit and continue to use your webmail account.

To increase your quota limit of email to 2.2GB, you must answer ( this email immediately and enter the details of
account below.

Username E-mail:
E-mail Password:
Date of Birth:

Do this immediately become disabled your account from our database.

Thank you for your understanding.
Copyright (c) 2012 Webmail Helpdesk Support Center.


Wisma UN,Block C,2nd Floor
Kompleks Pejabat Damansara
Heights Jalan Dungun,
Kuala Lumpur,57100

Good Day, I am directed to inform you that your payment verification and
confirmations are correct, therefore we are happy to inform you that
arrangements have been concluded to
effect your payment as soon as possible Due to your long over-due payment
which you have been finding it difficult to receive via a Certified Bank
Draft issued by the UN Promo, we have arranged your payment through Bank ATM
Card Payment Center, this is an instruction passed by the United Nations in
respect to all over delayed payment and debt re-scheduling.

We will send you an International Swift ATM Card that has been approved in
your favour, with valued sum of $550,000.00 USD (Five Hundred And Fify
Thousand United State Dollars), which you are to use in accessing your fund
in any ATM Stand/location worldwide and remember that the maximum withdrawal
daily limit is Ten Thousand United States Dollars (US$10,000.00).We have
concluded delivery arrangement with the ups courier services malaysia.Please
note that the UPS courier company is fully insured by Nicon Insurance

Kindly provide the details below for delivery.
1.Full Names.
2.Phone Number.
3.Valid Delivery Address.

Please do confirm that you will take responsibility for the cost of delivery
($410 USD), so that i will know how to proceed with you. Please be informed
that the delivery will be made to your address in 48 hours (2 days) after our
confirmation of this payment for delivery, as you know that the delivery fee
receipt will be also attached on your payment delivery documents to avoid
your package being delayed by customs.

Kindly contact ups courier company via below information:
Contact Name: Michael Albert
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number: +601116328605

Treat urgently and note that your ATM Card is ready and available for
dispatch to you and contact ups courier service for immediate delivery.

Mat Aziz Isa

From: Madam Tina Tagro - Tina Tagro

From: Madam Tina Tagro
My Dear,
It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I and my Son David intend to establish in your country. Though I have not met with you before but I believe one has to risk confiding before you can succeed sometimes in life. Let me start by introducing myself to you, My Name is Mrs Tina Tagro the wife of late Mr. Desire Tagro, My Husband was one of the former President Laurent Gbagbo cabinet, but unfortunately he was killed during the crisis in our country last year.
I believed I can confide in you for the brighter future of my Son since you are a human being like me. There is this huge amount of Ten Million five hundred thousand United States dollars. ($10.500.000.00) which my late Husband putted in a trunk box and deposited it with one private security company in Europe before the crisis, I and my Son are the only people that knows about this money, even the security company where my late Husband deposited the money did not know the content of the box because he deposited the box as family valuable not as money, Now I and my Son have decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough for security and political reasons.  
We want you to help us claim and retrieve this fund from the Security Company and transfer the money into your personal account in your country for investment purposes in these areas:
1). Telecommunication
2). The transport Industry
3). Five Star Hotel
4). Tourism
5). Real Estate
If you can be of assistance to us we will be pleased to offer you 20% of the total fund. We have all the documents that the security company issued my late Husband on the day he deposited the box, we will soon forward these documents to you which will help you to claim the box on our behalf. I await your soonest response.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs Tina Tagro and Son David Tagro



Dear Friend,

                                            STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we never met before. I am the Director in charge of Auditing section of Bank of African (B.O.A), I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of Ten million united state dollars ($10.000.000m USD) immediately to your account.

The fund has been dormant (in-active) for 5 years in our Bank here without any body coming for it. I want to apply for release of the fund to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer Dr. George Brumley Jr from Atlanta America (the owner of the account) who died a long with his supposed next of kin in air crash since on July 21 2003. I don't want the fund to go into our Bank treasury as an abandoned fund, so this is the reason why I contacted you, so that my Bank will release the fund to you as the nearest person to the deceased customer. view the website for more information about the deceased.(

Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interested. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send you the application form you will fill and send to the bank for transfer of the fund into your bank account and also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned amount if you agree to help me execute this business. And also 10% had been mapped out for you for the expense you will make in this transaction and 50% is for me. Please contact me through my private email ( so we can commence all arrangements and I Will give you more information on how we would handle this project. I need your information so that I will send you the application form.

                                          YOUR FULL INFORMATIONS

Your Name.
Your Home Addresses.
Home Telephone.
Private Telephone.
Fax No.
Marital Status.
Your picture.

Waiting for your urgent reply so that we will starts immediately,

Best Regards,

N.B: please contact me through my private email ( so we can commence all arrangements as soon as possible.

CIMB!Clicks! (1) New Message Alert -

This message contains blocked images.

Show ImagesOptions

Dear Customer,Due to a recent security update on our security system, you are required to verify your CIMB Clicks security details .

we require you to confirm and verify your account information by Clicking Here
here .

Important Notice: Failure to provide a TAC will lead to account suspension. Sincerely We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for banking with us.

CIMB Management Bhd.
Legal Advisor
CIMB Bank.

Facebook Announcement - FaceBook Term

Facebook Lottery Team
REF: online splash promo.

We (Facebook Lottery Team) proudly announce! that your E-MAIL ACCOUNT
has been selected as one of the lucky winners and has won the sum
(Five Million United State Dollars ) in the on-going Face-book online award
Your Ticket number is 00545 188 564756.

Prize #77801209/N,
Serial number 5368/02
Lucky numbers: 17 98 09 67 46

All participant were selected through a computer random integrated system
drawn in 27 million
E-mail address address via the Internet and lucky winners do not have to
purchase any
ticket to participate in this lottery program Kindly forward below details

Contact Person: Mr. David Ebersman
======= Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +44-7024094563
(**) Your Full names:.......................................

(**) Your Telephone Number...........................

(**) Your Contact address:...............................

(**) Your Occupation:......................................

(**) Your Country:............................................

(**) Your Age & Sex:.......................................

(**) And your lucky number above:.................
NOTE: For security reasons and due to the mix-up of some numbers and names,
we ask that
you keep this notification strictly from public notice until your claim has
been processed and
your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid
double claiming or
unscrupulous acts by non-participants of this program.

Yours in service,
Mr.Marc Andreessen
Facebook Lottery Facilitator.

Copyright ©2012 Facebook Lottery Promotions!

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This blog contains a collection of spam mail that I have received.


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