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Dear Good Friend - Mrs Dagmar Irlandese

>> Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dear Good Friend,

I contact you after my praying and fasting to sow this seed of fait in your care, l know too  well that we did  not know each other before but please consider this  proposal on its content . I need not dwell on how I came by your contact  information because there  are many such possibilities these days.  I will like to  introduce myself as Mrs. Dagmar Irlandese a widow to Late  Dr. Pankrac  Irlandese, I have been recently been daigonosed of Cancer of  the Pelvics. I  am writing from my sick bed.  There is this fund US$4.5  Milliom (Four Million Five Hundred Thousand United States  Dollars) cash my  late husband eposited with a bank. With my health  condition and I have no child, I am ooking for a credible person to whom I will  pass the right of  next of kin. This person will apply to the bank and request  for the  transfer of this fund to a foreign account.  This is on the  condition that you will take 10% of the fund for yourself,  incliuding all  the expences you made during the cause of transfering the  money to any  account that you will be proving to the bank, While you  will use the remaining ballance for the less previlege people in the  society. This is in fullfillment of the last request of my husband, That a  substantial part of  the fund be used to carter for the less previleged.  If this condition is acceptable to you, You should contact me  immediately with your Complete contact informations so that I will put you in contact with the  bank directly for the transfer of the money to any account  that you will  provide to them, I can't predict what will be my fate  by the time you will  recieve the fund, But you should please ensure that the  fund is used as l  have described above.

Waiting urgently to receive your response.
Yours  Sincerely.
Mrs Dagmar Irlandese.


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