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Requesting For Your Partnership ASAP!! - Mr Peter Ata

>> Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mail from Mr Peter Ata

Compliments of the day, although I am not comfortable of discussing this mail to you due to lots of unsolicited mails on the internet presently, but I have no other medium to do so right now. I seek your indulgence to solicit for your assistance concerning the content of my mail, honest and a trustworthy person to entrust this huge transfer project with .My name is MR PETER ATA. I am the manager of a financial institution here in, Accra-Ghana .I am a Ghanaian, married with three kids.

I am writing to solicit for your assistance in the transfer of funds valued at $10,500,000.00 (Ten million five hundred thousand United States Dollars.) This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the Manager made as profit during the last annual audition. I have already submitted an approved end of the year report for the year to my head office in Accra here and they will never know of this excess.

I have since then, placed this amount of value $10,500,000.00 million USD in a suspense escrow account without a beneficiary. I cannot stand to claim it that was why I contacted you to stand as the beneficiary. As an officer of the bank, I cannot directly be connected to this money thus I am impelled to request for your assistance to receive this Money into your bank account. I intend to part 40% of this fund to you as compensation while 60% shall be for me. All I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of the fund. Remember my bank do not know about this money.

I am willing to invest the fund into your company with your wealth of experience, so please if you are interested to assist on this venture, get back to me

Yours Sincerely,
+233 261775809


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