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>> Thursday, September 10, 2009

My dearest One,
Compliments of the season to you. My name is Mrs.Hisakazu Sato a Japanese by origin, I am writing you this mail under humanitarian basis, and may God
bless you as you are reading this mail with an open mind.

I got married legally with my husband, I met him in my country (Japan) when he was a counsellor under UN Conflicts and refugee related affairs in Africa, when i met him, i was madly in love with him, and we married to each other. We served in many African countries and finally Ivory coast where we were serving before the sudden death of my husband,To go straight to the point, this predicaments started few years
ago,though was very manageable when my husband was alive.

Things got worsened few weeks ago after final test and diagonesis were carried out and the doctors alloyed fears that there must be urgent surgical operations to remedy the sitaution or else, it could be very dangerous.Having been told this, I decided to look for a person that can
take proper care of my son,his education and future,before i can undertake the medical operations.

My late husband left the sum of $9.5 Million dollars
before his suden death and it is because of this funds,i am contacting you so you can help me receive the funds in your bank account in your country for the future of my son.

I would want him to stay in your country against going back to Japan, because my late husband's relations were against his adoption as a son to inhereit their brother's wealth,So, I would want him to stay and live with you in your country,The money will have to be splited into two ratios:

You shall open a special account for his education and other expenses related to him while he is still underaged. Then,you will invest the rest of the funds in any gainful venture in your country,You shall oversee and manage the funds and the investments while my child will continue with his education,When he is matured enough to take decisions and work,you can allow him positions to the investment you will open with the funds.

Here you will make sure that my son gets the best education available in your country and overseas,This is my plans and how i want you to follow things. 20% of the funds shall be your share of the total funds.

I shall be awaiting to hear further comments and ideas from you as soon as you received this letter, after which i shall reply and give you the relevant
documents that will give power to receive the money in your country.

May God be with you

Mrs. Hisakazu Sato.
St.Kizito Specialists Hospital
Abidjan Ivory Coast.


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